Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Strawberry Jam'n

Pretty strawberries make pretty jelly!

After all these years in Texas, I am still not used to being able to get fresh local strawberries so early.
I didn't know that the berries were ripe, but wanted to go to Froberg's Farm to check out the produce.  Much to my surprise, there were berries and berry pickers everywhere!

I am happy to have someone else pick the berries for me.  It's enough for me to know they came from the field behind where I am buying them.  I saved my efforts for transforming the berries in to freezer jam.  It has always been one of my favorites!  I have fond memories of coming home from school to fresh baked bread and having a slice with homemade strawberry jelly.

I made three batches Sunday afternoon and will make 3 or 4 more.  We won't be able to fit anything else in the freezers, but we will have enough jelly to last us until next year!

Strawberry Jelly

Strawberry Jelly

Strawberries - Before

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