Monday, January 9, 2012

A Quest For The Best........Chocolate Chip Cookies

Birthdays, as well as a New Year, cause people to reflect on things.
On this, my 40th birthday, I am reflecting on how much I love birthday cake!
As my mother has stated about me - anyone who knows me well, knows how important cake is to me.
Since we had our family celebration on Saturday, I have been able to enjoy my birthday cake for several days already.  Yum!

Being that I am an early January Birthday, my year seems to start on the 9th, not the first.
I am super excited about what is going to happen with my business this year, and all the upcoming projects.

I decided that I wanted to work on the best chocolate chip cookie (CCC) recipe.  Well, of course, everyone and their dog claims to have the best chocolate chip cookie recipe!  I did a search for the best CCC and found that this is quite a popular topic.  There are so many variations to this classic cookie, and several people have set out to test for the best.  So, I will conduct my own testing using two of the "winners" from others' testing and a few of my own.

I was going to start this on Friday, but discovered that I had zero chocolate chips in the house.  How that happened, I'll never know.  So, I organized part of the pantry instead, bought chocolate chips over the weekend, and started the testing today.

The first, which I am baking right now, are the CCC's from my Junior Chef Cookbook that I received for my 9th birthday.  They are an easy, yummy cookie that has been my favorite for years (many).   I asked Little C if she wanted me to make CCC's and she asked if I could also put white chips in them.  Could I say no to that....NO!  So, part of the batch is Chocolate and White Chip Cookies.

Batch one has been baked.  I haven't tried them yet - birthday cake earlier and I don't want to be in a sugar coma for my birthday dinner.  I will taste them later, and get the reviews from my taste testers.

Tomorrow in the test kitchen - whoopie pies!
Test batch two of the CCC's will be in the near future.

Chocolate Chip Cookies - Quest for the Best, Recipe 1

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